
About this project

This project aims to demonstrate the use of SQL to answer hypothetical marketing-related questions about a DVD rental store with a MySQL database named Sakila.

I run Debian Linux (version 9, “Stretch”) on my laptop, so I have used the default MySQL server for this operating system, MariaDB 10.1. This report was generated using Markdown, Liquid templates, and Jekyll.

This website was designed using the Jekyll theme “Forty”, by HTML5 UP.

Data-sets were generated using SQL but exported to CSV.

About Sakila

The Sakila MySQL sample database is available from You can follow these simple intructions to install it.

The database presents a nicely normalised schema modelling a DVD rental store, featuring information such as films, actors, film-actor relationships, and a central inventory table that connects film, stores, and rentals.

The following diagram provides an overview of the database structure. The diagram source file sakila.mwb (for use with MySQL Workbench) is included in the Sakila distribution.

Sakila database structure You can get the PDF version of the image through this link.